Yojiro Imasaka Japanese, b. 1983


Suzy Menkes, “Paris Photo: The Force of Nature”  VOGUE online, November

Nicolas Angels, “Yojiro Imasaka -Trade Winds- “  ART OUT, MUSEE, September

Pierre Fahys, “Blue Bayou” RELIEF magazine no7, May 

Kathryn Calley Galitz, “BLURRED HORIZONS, Contemporary Landscapes, Real and Imagined” an essay for exhibition catalog “BLURRED HORIZONS”  January



Paris Photo by Karl Lagerfeld, Steidl



William Meyers, “Seeing the Blue and Light of Day, and South African Journeys” an exhibition an exhibition review, Wall Street Journal, September 30th

Tyson Duffy, “The Photographic Alphabet: I is for Yojiro Imasaka” MUSEE magazine online, October 3rd


Edward M. Gomez, “In Yojiro Imasaka’s Blue Bayou, a Spirit of Timelessness and Wonder” an essay for exhibition catalog “Blue Bayou”



William Meyers, “Yojiro Imasaka: ‘Sleeping Beauty’ at Miyako Yoshinaga Gallery, William Meyers” an exhibition review, Wall Street Journal, May 3rd

Interview- Yojiro Imasaka’s Ghostly Landscape, Whitewall Magazine online, May 20th


USA –Untitled Scapes of America, Newfound Journal Issue #1 Fall 2014

Russet Lederman, “Yojiro Imasaka: USA” an accompanying essay for a monograph “USA -untitled scapes of America”



Modern Vision at VT artsalon, Berlin Cheng, group exhibition review, China Post, July 20th