The Legacy of Issei Suda (1940-2019): Human Memory @Miyako Yoshinaga

Loring Knoblauch, Collector Daily, February 10, 2020

"Suda’s particular brand of street (or at least out in the world) photography consistently rubs up against the surreal, without actually crossing over into exaggeration for effect. His pictures uncover the quiet oddity and overlooked subtlety of things hiding in plain sight, forcing us to look again to recalibrate our sense of reality.


In images we might loosely call architectural, Suda shows us built environments and found details that verge on the perplexing, often focusing in on a singular feature or fact that seems slightly out of place or off-kilter when looked at more closely. A huge silver tube angles in atop a parked car. A jagged staccato walkway crosses above the train tracks. Silhouettes of a camel and a Buddha’s head appear in unlikely places. And still, amid these modern incongruities, Kyoto’s riverside restaurants have a timeless, almost drawn from a woodblock print feel."


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